2 Wheel Alignment
A 2-wheel alignment involves adjusting only the front two wheels of a vehicle to ensure they are properly aligned according to specified angles. This process optimises the angles for proper contact with the road surface. Unlike a 4-wheel alignment, which considers all wheels on the vehicle, a 2-wheel alignment focuses solely on the front wheels.
The key angles adjusted during a 2-wheel alignment are:
Toe: The angle at which the front wheels point in relation to each other when viewed from above. It can be adjusted for both front wheels.
Camber: The angle of the front wheels when viewed from the front or rear of the vehicle. It is adjusted for both front wheels.
Caster: The angle of the steering axis concerning the vertical axis when viewed from the side of the vehicle. Caster adjustments are typically made for the front wheels.

Other Services Offer by Pit Stop Tyres Reading Ltd
No matter what vehicle or price range you’re working with, we’re dedicated to customer service and seeing you drive away with a smile. We have a huge range of tyre brands, complete with the information you need to make an informed choice between them. We serve in the following areas around Reading, Henley on Thames, Wokingham, Newbury, High Wycombe, Marlow, Maidenhead, Slough, Langley, Windsor, Bracknell, Twyford, Woodley, Wargrave, Hurley, Wallingford.
- 1 Hour Emergency Fitting Slot
- 2 Wheel Alignment
- 4 Wheel Alignment
- All Fluid Check
- Battery Check
- Battery Replacement
- Emergency Call Out Service
- Free Tyre Health Check
- Front Wheel Alignment
- Mobile Fitting
- Same Day Emergency Call Out Service
- Same Day Fitting Service
- Wheel Balance Check (per wheel)
- Wheel Nut Removal